Creating an Open Mentorship Initiative#
In-person track#
Anna e só (project lead), Omotayo Omotola Eunice, Ana Ruvalcaba, Kweyakie Afi Blebo, Yani Bellini.
Online track#
Aditi Juneja, Yashasvi Misra, Deborah (Debs) Udoh, Harmony Elendu, Sage Sharp, Julius Boakye, David Chapuis, Ijeoma Onwuka, and Ariane Djeupang.
Description of activities#
Discussing experiences as mentees, mentors, and program organizers;
Defining what a “good” open mentorship program is;
Listening example of good open mentorship programs;
Understanding different approaches to structure mentorships;
Discussing pain points and mistakes made as program organizers;
Deciding to write a handbook for program organizers!
We decided to create a new handbook for program organizers to help them access shared communal knowledge.
We decided to reactivate a past DISC Unconference 2023 guide — a mentorship guide for mentors participating in open projects.
Our approach isn’t one that subscribes to a specific way to create and manage open mentorship programs; instead, it offers the open community a point of reference of practices tested by generations of contributors, and it helps it navigate complexity.
1. Introduction#
Learning paths#
I want to be mentored
I want to become a mentor
I want to create or lead an open mentorship program
I want to support an open mentorship program
I want to collaborate with an open mentorship program
History of open mentorship initiatives and programs
Examples of active open mentorship initiatives and programs
2. The open mentorship program of your dreams#
The language of open mentorships
What makes a good open mentorship program?
Why should you create a new open mentorship program?
How to approach existing open mentorship programs
Categories and variations of open mentorships
How to assess your community’s needs
How to mix and match types of programs
Activities and processes
Defining core activities and goals
Selecting mentees and mentors
Monitoring and assisting mentees and mentors
Finding and bringing in collaborators
Processing stipend payments
Defining and measuring success
Evaluating mentors and mentees
Evaluating the program
Ensuring your program’s sustainability
Creating, managing, and executing a budget
Building financial reserves
Ensuring funding goes to the right place
Diversifying funding source
Aiming for retention
Promoting your program
The voice of your program
Collecting and tracking stories
Blog posts
Talking to prospect funders
Corporate sponsors
Individual donors
Supporting mentors
How to train new mentors
Approaching this conversation
Pairing mentors
Safeguarding mentees
Getting involved with open mentorship programs#
As a supporter
Promotion and advocacy
Funding opportunities
As a mentee
Understanding expectations
Building a relationship with your mentor
As a mentor
Redirect to DISC Unconference 2023 project——and contribute to that rather than completely re-writing it!
As a collaborator
Moving forward#
We need suggestions for a platform to publish our handbook — GitBook, maybe?
Outreachy and Software Freedom Conservancy are looking for funding for this initiative — we appreciate help with that!
Anna will keep leading it, and Anna will organize a working group via Discord.
We’ll keep working with other program organizers and open mentorship programs. ❤️