************ Oct 23, 2023 ************ * Attendees - Andy Terrel, Irfan Alibay, Nabil Freij * Observing - Nicole Foster, Matt Moore * Apologies - Katrina Riehl Agenda ====== * Intros * Charter * Audit Docs Notes ===== Introductions Matt contracted to do devops types of work at NF. Charter ------- Changes to the charter needed: - Need to change the people (add Andy & Nabil & Katrina) - Elect a Vice President and Secretary - Do a proposal for positions & send through to everyone - Current proposal: Andy as VP and Nabil as Secretary Proposal -------- Proposal for changing the charter. The original charter includes 1. Administer infrastructure account credentials and access; 2. Make ongoing recommendations and execute changes to improve and enhance available infrastructure 3. Act as a liaison between the infrastructure vendors and sponsored projects and 4. Review its charter annually and recommend changes to the board for review New wording 1. Advise NF staff infrastructure team on how to administer account credentials and access 2. Make ongoing recommendations to improve and enhance available infrastructure 3. Act as a liaison between sponsored projects between the NF Infrastructure Staff, (who works with vendors) and have a representative at monthly project meetings, triage new request, e.g., is a request a common need or one off. Present best practices from various projects etc 4. Review its charter annually and recommend changes to the board for review Proposed by Andy, Second by Irfan, approved unanimously. Where to document best practices? Proposal: github.com/numfocus/infrastructure Make a sphinx base webpage to be hosted via (GitHub pages) No vote needed Audit ----- Andy and Matt to go through audit to see what is running Nabil to start the documentation going. Committee to review in Nov meeting. Where to publish notes: GitHub documentation pages that Nabil is setting up. Redact names of projects if sensitive before pushing to GitHub. Action items ============ - Andy Terrel to draft new charter based on vote above, send out to Mridul and Katrina for e-vote - Nabil Freij make documentation mvp - Andy Terrel and Matt Moore to go through infrastructure inventory - Nicole Foster Send out meeting invite - Nicole Foster to upgrade Nabil Freij's slack account to add to infrastructure