************ Nov 15, 2023 ************ * Attendees - Andy Terrel, Irfan Alibay, Nabil Freij * Observing - Nicole Foster, Arliss Collins * Apologies - Katrina Riehl, Matt Moore, Mridul Seth Notes ===== Approval of last month's minutes -------------------------------- Pending Actions: Andy Terrel and Matt Moore to go through infrastructure inventory E-vote on the new charter with Katrina and Mridul Approved unanimously New Charter ----------- https://docs.google.com/document/d/1hzaB_DAGAUdKnfI_x0ktcO6Zf1iP1Er1BtWrpo35LNM/edit Still need to talk to Katrina and Mridul Docs Deploy ----------- https://github.com/numfocus/infrastructure/pull/18/ Merge approved so we can render To do - Need to get a NF deploy key - Folks should review rendered version: https://numfocus.github.io/infrastructure/ (PR needs to be merged for the render to update, right now it's blank) Project Infrastructure Involvement ---------------------------------- How do projects fund infrastructure? MDAnalysis had an SDG rejection, for a funding requested access to paid CI resources (macos-arm64 runners and large core count runners). The response for the paid CI part of the grant was "SDG funds are not typically granted for ongoing expenses where projects will have to come back next year". This isn't the first time this has happened ( At the NF Project meeting many projects requested CI/CD resources (osx-arm64, gpus, window-arm) There is no guidance within NF as to what projects are meant to do about this - we're effectively left with a "not our problem" response without really being told whose problem it is. The SDG committee had clearly signposted this problem to us, that way we had a formal request from someone, rather than finding out through second hand feedback. Does on-going funds on-going infrastructure? No. We should recommend updates to the application process SDG should share infrastructure requests (summarized version) that were rejected. NF Infrastructure Budget ------------------------- NF Infra should make a Budget Request to the Board of Directors We can campaign for funds from the general NF budget, project budgets, or raise specific funds for Infrastructure Get projects to use issues on the infra repo to document their needs. Advertise it to the projects. GPU CI/CD Pinged a lot from many projects Github Actions Private beta starting now for paid accounts but public beta in a few months. They need help justifying the use of Azure GPU machines for CI/CD purposes Recommend we write a letter on how impactful GPU Hosted Runners will be to our projects Use case Projects Scikit-learn - Arlliss has already talked to Adrin about providing this. Cupy dask Reach out to other organizations OpenMM & OMSF - @irfan Linux foundation? CSS? Impact to the community Quansight GPU Cluster Iterate on their terms of service Next meeting time: December 20th, 10:30 CT Action items ============ - Get requests from SDG - Nicole Foster - Add template for infrastructure request - Andy Terrel - Reach out how to onboard our projects - Andy Terrel - Add infrastructure to agenda for project bimonthly meeting - Arliss Collins - Set up a mock budget for December submission - Nicole Foster to add existing ongoing costs