======================= Econ ARK Server Request ======================= Project Details --------------- Name: econ-ark Website: https://econ-ark.org/ Request April 2020 ------------------ Requester ~~~~~~~~~ - Mridul Seth seth.mridul@gmail.com Request Details ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Please provide a brief description of your project's specific needs for AWS credits: - Custom BinderHub/JupyterHub to run notebooks, currently we use GCP. - Cloud machines required to run compute heavy simulations for developers of econ-ark. - Cloud capacity to handle visitors who want to try out Econ-ARK tools. 1. Please provide us with an estimated cost for meeting those needs (in U.S. Dollars): 600 1. Are any of these needs particularly urgent or important? If so, please explain. The urgent need right now is to speed up the execution of the COVID-19 dashboard, which was created in partly in response to a question from the U.S. Council of Economic Advisors asking for help in modeling the household spending response to the crisis. A paper describing our toolkit is about to be published in a new journal (Covid Economics) to which many prominent economists have already contributed papers. At present when the notebook is run on the free mybinder service, it is painfully slow to launch. It would be much faster if running on our own servers. 7. Additional Comments: No response