PALISADE Server Request ======================= Project Details --------------- Name: PALISADE Website: Request April 2020 ------------------ Requester ~~~~~~~~~ - Dave Cousins Request Details ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Please provide a brief description of your project's specific needs for AWS credits: We would like a compute optimized server for our CI/CD regression testing pipelines to reduce our overall development cycle. We find a 16 core/32GB memory would be a minimal configuration. 1. Please provide us with an estimated cost for meeting those needs (in U.S. Dollars): We estimate the cost for this configuration would be $505/month for a C5 4x large 1. Are any of these needs particularly urgent or important? If so, please explain. Yes, currently we suffer long pipeline wait times during merge requests, due to multiple testing configurations. 7. Additional Comments: We could explore options at a lower cost options if they were available, but this is the compute power required for the builds and tests.