Infrastructure Requests#

The infrastructure committee has the role of managing project digital infrastructure in a fair, equitable manner, and this requires a process to match.

Commitments from the infrastructure committee#

  • Acknowledgement of the issue within a week

  • Reviews are done undertaken within a month of opening an issue

  • Ideally, there will be two reviewers per issue

  • If approved, a time frame for action to occur is agreed

  • If rejected, a reason must be given

Review Process#

  • A project member opens an issue on the infrastructure repository using one of the provided templates. This will alert to each member of the committee.

  • Each reviewer fills out the reviewer template within the given time frame.

  • If the reviewers reject the proposal, the issue should be closed as not planned, and the author can not appeal.

  • If the reviewers approve the proposal, the issue should only be closed as completed when the task is completed.

  • If the reviewers are split, another member of the committee is asked to review, and then their decision counts as the final vote.

The following template should be used for the review:

## Request Review

*Please check off boxes as applicable, and elaborate in comments below.*

- [ ] As the reviewer I confirm that there are no conflicts of interest for me to review this work.

- [ ] Request topic is covered by the infrastructure committee remit.

- [ ] If the request requires expenditure, the price is within the budget of the committee.

## Review Comments (If any)

Reporting to the Board#

The infrastructure committee provides quarterly reports of our requests and results. The committee strives to fulfill every request made, but in the event that a request is denied due to lack of resources, we can petition the board to fund more resources.