31 Jan 2018

Minutes of a Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of NumFOCUS. All votes are reported in the form “(Y/N/A)” (in favor-Y‚ opposed-N‚ abstentions-A; e.g. “4-1-2” means “4 in favor, 1 opposed, and 2 abstentions”).

Participating: Leah Silen, Andy Terrel, Didrik Pinte, Lorena Barba, Jennifer Klay, Ralf Gommers

Not Attending: Matthew Turk

Approval of Minutes from last three meetings:

Proposal to approve minutes for:

Approved (5/0/0)

Items Voted on by Email:

  1. Amendments of Bylaws (changed marked pending and dated 21 Sep 2016). Approved (4/0/0).
  2. Authorizing Software Carpentry's transfer to Community Initiatives as Carpentries Foundation. Email vote (3/0/0) - not yet approved. Unanimously approved in meeting (5/0/0).
  3. Authorizing Data Carpentry's transfer to Community Initiatives as Carpentries Foundation. Approved 1/18/18, (4/0/0)
  4. Proposal for Small Project Grants program: have a small grants call every 4 months with an award amount of $20K for each call. Approved (4/0/0)

Treasurer’s Report: Budget 2018 presented (see discussion items)

Executive Director’s Report: discussed

Discussion Items

1. Software/Data Carpentry Transfer Update

2. New Office Space

Cost for proposed space will be $2,550/month, 1 year lease.

3. FEniCS grant request

FEniCS requesting $2,400 - for grants to support travel for researchers and contributors to attend FEniCS Con in March. We supported this last year with the same amount of funding, given separately from the small grants.

Approved (5/0/0)

4. PyViz Domain Transfer

Can go ahead, no action from board needed.

5. Affiliated Project Requests

  1. nxviz, a rational graph visualization library for networkx. Would like to be considered for GSoC under NF’s umbrella. Discussion: small (codebase, only 2 devs). For GSoC, they can go through NetworkX - NetworkX would make sense as an affiliate project.
  2. Ralf suggested that Matthew Rocklin’s sparse array package get a PyData subdomain but not affiliated status because this will be part of SciPy which is already an Affiliated project. sparse.pydata.org has been created, no further action on this needed.
  3. Leah has a call scheduled with Gonum.


Continue clarification of who gets to use pydata.org domains and criteria for affiliated projects (https://www.numfocus.org/sponsored-projects/affiliated-projects/).

Suggested benefits:

Suggested criteria for NumFOCUS Affiliated Projects:

Ralf has suggested adding a statement that the board can make exceptions (for use of pydata.org and the pydata Github org) as needed Suggested benefits:

Suggested criteria for NumFOCUS Affiliated Projects:

Ralf has suggested adding a statement that the board can make exceptions (for use of pydata.org and the pydata Github org) as needed.

7. SciPy Sponsorship for Diversity Scholarships

Are we donating $6,000 again?

Decision and discussion postponed for 2 weeks, coinciding with budget discussion.

8. Small Development Grants

Call for proposals has been sent out.

9. Budget Discussion and Approval

Proposed budget for 2018 discussed.

Proposal: balance the budget, evaluate whether a NF-specific events is feasible, and come back to it in two weeks.

10. NumFOCUS 2020
