28 Mar 2018
Minutes of a Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of NumFOCUS. All votes are reported in the form “(Y/N/A)” (in favor-Y‚ opposed-N‚ abstentions-A; e.g. “4-1-2” means “4 in favor, 1 opposed, and 2 abstentions”).
Participating: Leah Silen, Andy Terrel, Ralf Gommers, Lorena Barba, Jennifer Klay
Not Attending: Didrik Pinte
Approval of Minutes from last meeting: Approved (4/0/0)
Items Voted on by Email: -
Treasurer’s Report: Q1 report is being prepared for the next meeting
Executive Director’s Report: -
Discussion Items
1. HR update
An update was given on the termination of employment of Christie Koehler.
2. Sustainability Grant
- Andy can come on board full time from June.
- Paying a board member is legal, however it would be better to have something in the bylaws about that. Leah will discuss this with our attorney.
- Andy working on roadmaps with Brian Granger.
3. Data Carpentry Transfer Agreement
- No amount decided yet; Sloan grant will have to be transferred.
- Leah waiting to hear back from Data Carpentry.
- Money is still trickling in; we’re sending that over to Community Initiatives bi-monthly.
4. AstroPy NSF CIS Grant
Working with Kelle Cruz on our first NSF grant. Andy will be one of the co-PIs.
5. QuTiP request for Affiliated Project status
QuTiP is requesting membership as an Affiliated Project with hopes to eventually apply for fiscal sponsorship.
- They don’t have a CoC yet, Leah will ask them to add one.
- Other than that, it looks like a good candidate for affiliate project.
6. NumFocus EU
- Didrik, Andy and Leah talked to Sylvain. Relationship between NumFOCUS and NumFOCUS Europe not yet clear.
- Best seems to have NumFOCUS govern NF Europe. And have one
member from the NF Europe on the NumFOCUS board.
- Better than the alternative to license out the name, and have them make up their own structure and operating procedures.
- Some unclarity how final responsibilities and liability of the board works; laws are different.
7. Deciding on Small Grant Proposals
- Received proposals were discussed.
- To do: ask each project to add a clear list of milestones with dates, so we can go back to those at the end and assess that the funding was effective. Leah to ask Gina to do this.
- Also, get clearer deliverables from Gensim. When we get this, all proposals look good to accept.