23 May 2018

Minutes of a Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of NumFOCUS. All votes are reported in the form “(Y/N/A)” (in favor-Y‚ opposed-N‚ abstentions-A; e.g. “4-1-2” means “4 in favor, 1 opposed, and 2 abstentions”).

Participating: Leah Silen, Andy Terrel, Ralf Gommers, Jennifer Klay, Didrik Pinte, Lorena Barba

Not Attending:

Approval of Minutes from last meeting: Approved (4/0/0)

Items Voted on by Email: -

Treasurer’s Report: Q1 report presented. Looks good. One question about income for conferences but no expenses. Answer: there were no events in Q1, but income already coming in for Q2.

Executive Director’s Report:

Discussion on Community Alliance agreement:

Discussion Items

1. Round 2 Small Development Grants

New call for proposals to be issued by Gina. Time it for 4 months after the last one; 1 month from call to deadline; 1 month for announcing decisions.

2. Summit


3. NumFocus EU update

Informal discussion between Didrik and Sylvain last week. After some emails Andy provided a list of what is needed next. Key issue is still that NumFOCUS EU board candidates have the impression they’re not free to do what they want to do.

From Didrik: What should be discussed between the two boards/the joint board?

  1. Accepting new projects: I think this makes sense for everyone.
  2. Large financial deals (we should put a number on the paper, e.g. >100k?)
  3. Inter-entity money transfers: e.g. the numpy project has money in the US but wants to fund a developer in Europe, PyData revenue, etc.
  4. Joint vision/marketing efforts
  5. Other ideas we need to explicitly add?

4. GDPR update

5. Andy’s Contract


  1. Contract
  2. Confidentiality Agreement
  3. Job duties/responsibilities

Related: Leah has not had a contract and list of duties written down before. She will draft these herself, then we will review these in a future board meeting.

Andy aims to start mid-June full time.

All board members to review the list of duties and proposed employment contract for Andy, and raise any points that need discussing by Sunday May 27th. In case of no blocking concerns, the contract can be signed after that date.