6 Dec 2018

Minutes of a Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of NumFOCUS. All votes are reported in the form “(Y/N/A)” (in favor-Y‚ opposed-N‚ abstentions-A; e.g. “4-1-2” means “4 in favor, 1 opposed, and 2 abstentions”).

December 6, 2018


Board members: Jane Herriman, Andy Terrel, Katrina Riehl, James Powell, Stefan van der Walt, Sylvain Corlay, Lorena Barba

ED: Leah Silen

Observing: Gina Helfrich

Board Members Not Attending: -

Approval of Minutes from last meeting: Approved 5-0-0

Items Voted on by Email or Github:

a. Resolution for ArviZ to join NumFOCUS as an Affiliated project, approved 7-0-0

b. Resolution for Yellowbricks to join NumFOCUS as an Affiliated project, approved 7-0-0

Discussion Items:

a. Resolution to approve grant request submitted by Blosc, approved 6-0-0

b. Board meetings

The board discussed the possibility of going to monthly meetings, but decided to stick with biweekly meetings as they allow us to churn through project requests more quickly and decrease the gravity of someone missing a meeting or needing to reschedule.

Discussed ways to tighten up meetings and touch on highest priority topics. We will have a meeting in January to discuss forming focused subcommittees.

Upcoming meetings include regular board meetings on December 20 and January 10, with meetings reoccurring every other week thereafter, and special topic board meetings to be scheduled for next week (NumFOCUS EU) and sometime in January (subcommittees).

c. Applications from potential new projects

CuPy and Chainer have applied to become NumFOCUS Affiliated projects, and MathJax has applied to become a Fiscally sponsored project. Individual board members were assigned to review applications and present cases via Github by December 15 so that we can discuss at our next regular board meeting on December 20.

d. Education initiative

The board approved (6-0-0) the use of $30K USD to seed course content creation for a NumFOCUS educational initiative. The board also discussed compensation/honorariums for content creation.

e. NF EU - Andy, Sylvain

The board will set up meeting for next week to give dedicated time to deciding on the structuring of NumFOCUS EU.

f. End-of-year fundraising campaign

Gina briefed us on strategies to employ for EOY fundraising. Goals and matching gift numbers will be finalized by December 17.