20 Dec 2018

Minutes of a Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of NumFOCUS. All votes are reported in the form “(Y/N/A)” (in favor-Y‚ opposed-N‚ abstentions-A; e.g. “4-1-2” means “4 in favor, 1 opposed, and 2 abstentions”).

December 20, 2018


Board members: Jane Herriman, Katrina Riehl, Lorena Barba, James Powell, Andy Terrel, Sylvain Corlay

ED: Leah Silen

Observing: –

Board Members Not Attending: Stéfan van der Walt

Approval of Minutes from last meetings: Approved 5-0-0

**Resolutions Voted on by Email or Github: **

a. Approval of ArviZ as an Affiliated Project: 7-0-0

b. Approval of Blosc Grant Request: 6-0-0

**Executive Director’s Report: **

We discussed the state of incoming and prospective sponsorships and grants.

Discussion Items:

a. New Project Applications:

We discussed three new project applications – CuPy (Affiliated), Chainer (Affiliated), and MathJax (Sponsored). In particular, we discussed concerns about the openness and transparency of governance models of CuPy and Chainer.

b) Project/member survey:

We discussed the creation of a survey to gauge NumFOCUS project and member satisfaction. Once created, the survey will be distributed with some TBD frequency to gauge the impact of measures to improve member/project satisfaction.


a. CuPy and Chainer – each approved conditionally* as Affiliated projects 5-0-1

b. MathJax – approved as Sponsored project 6-0-0

To do:

– Gina will put together the survey discussed by the end of January so that the board can review and determine polling frequency.

– Our next meeting will be January 10.

– Leah will drive review of progress from CuPy and Chainer in mid-June 2019.