8 August 2019

Minutes of a Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of NumFOCUS.

All votes are reported in the form “(Y/N/A)” (in favor-Y‚ opposed-N‚ abstentions-A; e.g. “4-1-2” means “4 in favor, 1 opposed, and 2 abstentions”).

August 8, 2019


Board Members: Andy Terrel, Lorena Barba, James Powell, Jane Herriman

ED: Leah Silen

Board Members not attending: Katrina Riehl, Stéfan van der Walt, Sylvain Corlay

Approval of Minutes from last meeting:

June 27 minutes: Approved 4-0-0

Vote on July 25 minutes: Not yet voted

Resolutions Voted on by Email or Github: N/A

Treasurer’s Report:

We are slightly behind our projected revenue at the end of Q2, primarily
due to the number of grants brought in so far. Several of our projects
will soon be applying for funds from the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative and
we are optimistic the number of incoming grants will pick up shortly.

Executive Director’s Report:

Onboarding for Dask as a NF project went very smoothly. They are
interested in possibly seeking funding in partnership with other NF

We’ll be trying out Github’s Sponsor Program, which is being designed to
help facilitate donations to open source projects through organizations
like NumFOCUS.

Planning for the NumFOCUS Summit is coming along. Summit dates will be
from November 1 to November 4 and we will likely secure some external
funding to help with project travel.

Discussion Items:

a. Update on PSL

 PSL has accepted the invitation to be an Affiliated Project.

b. Affiliated Project Applications

i.  [*Effective Quadratures*]: Andy has submitted a Github issue where we can vote on this project.

ii. [*UMAP*]: Tabled for next week.

iii. Dataknots.jl: We are waiting to receive more information from this project.

c. Funding from Preferred Solutions Provider Agreements

Funding received from these agreements should be allocated to the
NumFOCUS general budget.

d. Creation of Small Dev Grant Review Committee

i.  Who should the members be?

     We would like to form committees from project members. Disallowing
     projects who have members on the committee from applying was
     suggested, but we agreed it would be better to have committee members
     recuse themselves from voting on their own project.

     We would like to have either a Board member or a past Board member
     involved as a Chair.

     We would like to create a call/application to join the SDG Review
     Committee and also to chair. Fields to be included: name, project
     affiliation, reason for wishing to join the review committee.

     We have not yet determined what the default tenure on the committee 
     will be. We suggested one year with the option to roll on/off as needed.

i. Who will reach out to them?

We will use the NF newsletter to broadcast the call for participation.
Also Twitter?

e. We have a new (individual) sponsor who would like to join the Advisory Board. The Board is open to integrating this person more into NF activities but has decided to table exactly how to involve/recognize this person’s contributions.