22 August 2019

Minutes of a Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of NumFOCUS.

All votes are reported in the form “(Y/N/A)” (in favor-Y‚ opposed-N‚ abstentions-A; e.g. “4-1-2” means “4 in favor, 1 opposed, and 2 abstentions”).

August 22, 2019


Board Members: Andy Terrel, Lorena Barba, James Powell, Jane Herriman, Katrina Riehl, Stéfan van der Walt, Sylvain Corlay

ED: Leah Silen

Board Members not attending: N/A

Approval of Minutes from last meeting:

July 25 minutes - Approved (4-0-0)

August 8 minutes - Approved (5-0-0)

Resolutions Voted on by Email or Github: None

Executive Director’s Report: None

Discussion Items:

a. “Incubated” Software status

 Discussion of affiliated project applications led to possibility of
 creating an "Incubation" status. Those projects with this status could
 be separate from Affiliated projects or a subcategory of them. The
 “incubation” status would be for more niche projects that are still
 growing. NumFOCUS may be able to secure resources for someone to spend
 time helping out the Incubated projects to help them grow.

 Benefits to connecting with NumFOCUS, even without Affiliated Status,
 include for ex. being on the mailing list, learning about PyDatas.

 We will follow-up on specifics of incubation program in a separate

b. Affiliated Project Applications

i.  *Effective Quadratures* (Tabled for next meeting.)
    They’ve adopted our CoC, but other issues for discussion remain.

ii. *UMAP*
     The Board voted to reject UMAP as an Affiliated (0-6-0), but we
     invite them to wait for new program coming soon for Incubated
     Software affiliation.

iii. New Applications needing champions:

    1.  *Dataknots.jl*

         Extensible, practical and coherent algebra of query combinators
         built with Julia and its ecosystem. It has database adapters to
         various SQL and Non-SQL data-sources. → Jane volunteers as

    2.  *Tqdm*

        A Fast, Extensible Progress Bar for Python and CLI → Andy
        volunteers as Champion

    3.  *Colour*

        A Python colour science package implementing a comprehensive
        number of colour theory transformations and algorithms. → James
        volunteers as Champion.

c. Small Development Grants Review Committee Applications

We’ve received 32 applications and are aiming for a committee of ~9
people. We need a process for finalizing committee members.

Proposal: to look for individuals to chair this committee (via more
outreach to the projects) and to have the chairs select committee
members that represent the NumFOCUS community from the applications.

Note: The committee will come up with a list of to-be-funded projects
from Small Dev Grant applications, but that list will ultimately be
ratified (and subject to change) by the Board.

d. Summit Registration is Open!

All Board members are planning to attend.

e. Corporate Trainer Directory -

NumFOCUS is developing a directory of individuals who can provide
training on NumFOCUS projects, currently for internal use.

f. PyViz

NumFOCUS owns the domain for the PyViz website. Volunteers essentially
burned out and no longer want to maintain it. Idea -- reach out to Ralf
Gommers. Ask him to put out a call to look for maintainers, i.e. gauge
community interest/willingness to support. We may also be able to get
support for the website through Google Season of Docs.

g. Review affiliated projects for inactivity (Tabled for next meeting.)