5 September 2019

Minutes of a Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of NumFOCUS.

All votes are reported in the form “(Y/N/A)” (in favor-Y‚ opposed-N‚ abstentions-A; e.g. “4-1-2” means “4 in favor, 1 opposed, and 2 abstentions”).

September 5, 2019


Board Members: Andy Terrel, Lorena Barba, James Powell, Jane Herriman, Katrina Riehl, Stéfan van der Walt, Sylvain Corlay

ED: Leah Silen

Board Members not attending: N/A

Approval of Minutes from last meeting: Approved 6-0-0

Resolutions Voted on by Email or Github: None

Executive Director’s Report:

After a request from one of our advocates, Leah put together a document summarizing where both restricted and unrestricted donations to NumFOCUS go. This document details how both unrestricted donations and overhead taken from restricted donations fund project services. In the interest of transparency, NumFOCUS may wish to make this information more publicly available. The Board will review the document and discuss how to proceed at the next meeting.

NumFOCUS recently held a Project/Staff meeting. In light of both positive and negative feedback from projects, the Board discussed NumFOCUS financial services and managing project expectations.

Gina and Leah put together a document that more clearly outlines what our metrics are for Affiliated and Fiscally Sponsored projects. The Board will review and discuss at the next meeting.

Discussion Items:

a. Project Incubator Program

The Board will discuss creating the Project Incubator Program at a
dedicated meeting, currently being scheduled for either end of this week
or sometime next.

b. Affiliated Project Status:

i.  Effective Quadratures - Tabled from last meeting. Approved as
    Affiliated (5-0-0)

ii.  Colour - Approved as Affiliated (7-0-0)

iii.  Dataknots - Reject as Affiliated: (0-6-0)

      We will communicate to the project that we are creating a new
      “incubated” status that should be a better fit for their needs and
      will help them grow.

iv.  Tqdm - Rejected as Affiliated (0-5-0).

     We will recommend they apply to the PSF, which seems to be a better fit.

c. Mlpack Sponsored Project Application: Sylvain will champion.

d. Update from Sylvain and Lorena on JupyterCon (both members of a new working group)

 Work is being done to create a prospectus for community workshop
 funding. Sylvain discussed an opportunity for a free venue in Paris.

e. Discussion on NumFOCUS EU (Tabled)

f. Review Affiliated projects for inactivity (Tabled)