25 Feb 2020

Minutes of a Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of NumFOCUS. All votes are reported in the form “(Y/N/A)” (in favor-Y‚ opposed-N‚ abstentions-A; e.g. “4-1-2” means “4 in favor, 1 opposed, and 2 abstentions”).

February 25, 2020


Board Members: James Powell, Jane Herriman, Stéfan van der Walt, Sylvain Corlay, Lorena Barba

Not attending: Andy Terrel, Leah Silen, Katrina Riehl

Email/Github Voting: N/A

Executive Director’s Report: N/A

Discussion Items:

a. New Project Applications: Notification Deadline is February 27th

i.   Scikit-learn (Grantor-grantee): *Approved* 5-0-0.

ii.  CB-Geo-MPM (Affiliated): (*Approved* 6-0-1)

iii. Transonic and the Joint Python Accelerators project:

       Agreed (5-0-0) to send a statement about deferring application 
       consideration until certain eligibility are met.

iv.  Plenopticam (Affiliated Project): *Rejected* (0-5-0)

v.   TomoPy (Fiscal Sponsorship): *Rejected* (0-5-0) 

     TomoPy was invited to apply via the grantor-grantee model for 
     specific grants.

vi.  Devito (Affiliated Project): *Approved* (5-0-0)

vii. TABLED:

       The following projects will receive word that their notification of 
       acceptance or rejection will be delayed.

     1.  Solcore (Affiliated)
     2.  Python MIP
     3.  Nnetsauce
     4.  Drugverse
     5.  Lifelines

Note: Declaration of Interest on Zarr. Sylvain – disclosure by email 12-Feb-2020