26 Jan 2021

Minutes of a Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of NumFOCUS. All votes are reported in the form “(Y/N/A)” (in favor-Y‚ opposed-N‚ abstentions-A; e.g. “4-1-2” means “4 in favor, 1 opposed, and 2 abstentions”).

January 26, 2020


Board Members: Jane Herriman, Katrina Riehl, Stefan van der Walt, Andy Terrel, Sylvain Corlay, James Powell

Executive Director: Leah Silen

Not attending: N/A

Email/Github Voting:


  1. Nov. 17 minutes were approved 4-0-0.
  2. Still need a vote on Nov 17, Dec 1, and Dec 15.

Executive Director’s Report:

Leah prepared and presented the 2020 Q4 and 2021 Proposed Budget.

One of the takeaways: We avoided disaster in 2020 and came out with a profit of over $28K. (We were anticipating losses for 2020.)


a. 2021 Proposed Budget

i.  Anticipate greater sponsorship and event income in 2021 than in
    2020, but we’re still not expecting 2021 to be a “growth”
    year. (Net profit expected to be \~\$73K.)

ii. Where would Board effort be most valuable? (E.g. reaching out to
    sponsors vs. contributing to events)

    1.  Leah noted that we have the possibility of bringing in much
        more in sponsorships and that having the Board reach out
        to contacts for potential funding could be highly

iii. Discussion about volunteer burn out in pandemic

    1.  Applicable to PyData and JupyterCon events

    2.  There was a lot of momentum at the beginning of the
        pandemic, but now people are tired.

iv. Discussion about value of JupyterCon and likelihood that the
    Jupyter community will commit to 2021 conference

v.  PPP eligibility

    1.  We currently do not qualify for PPP funds because grant
        income keeps us from going far enough in the red

vi. Budget approved 5-0-0 (after Katrina dropped off the call).

b. Small Development Grants Committee Charter (Move online; any discussion tabled.)

c. Financial Notification Systems Report (Tabled)