23 September 2021

Minutes of a Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of NumFOCUS. All votes are reported in the form “(Y/N/A)” (in favor-Y‚ opposed-N‚ abstentions-A; e.g. “4-1-2” means “4 in favor, 1 opposed, and 2 abstentions”).

September 23, 2021

Board Members: Stefan van der Walt, Rosie Pongracz, Katrina Riehl, Logan Kilpatrick, Sylvain Corlay

Executive Director: Leah Silen

Not attending: James Powell

Email/Github Voting: N/A

Executive Director's Report: Reviewed


a. Sponsored Project Applications

i.  Votes still needed on PyData Sparse's acceptance as an
    > Affiliated project. Suggested by Stefan on Slack after
    > discussions with Ralf

ii. Affiliated Status (send the project to the APSC for a review and
    > vote with a 2 week turnaround time)

b. Officer Elections -

i.  President - Nomination, Katrina

    1.  Vote: Rosie Motioned, Seconded by Logan

    2.  Vote Count: 4 Approve, 1 Abstain, 0 Rejects

ii. Treasurer - Nomination, Rosie

    1.  Vote: Katrina Motioned, Seconded by Logan

    2.  Vote Count: 4 Approve, 1 Abstain, 0 Rejects

iii. Katrina confirmed as new president, Rosie 
    > confirmed as Treasurer

c. New Board Member Elections

i.  Reviewed previous Nominations for 7th Board
    > Position

ii. We will continue to generate a list of possible names for the
    > 7th board position.

d. Admin Fee Increase i. Discussed Scikit-learn's Response to Admin fee increase > how we can get them on board.

e. Setting a date for our strategic planning session.

i.  Do we want a moderator/facilitator?

ii. When?

iii. Tabled for now, will re-visit at the next meeting