24 March 2022

Minutes of a Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of NumFOCUS. All votes are reported in the form “(Y/N/A)” (in favor-Y‚ opposed-N‚ abstentions-A; e.g. “4-1-2” means “4 in favor, 1 opposed, and 2 abstentions”).

March 24, 2022

Board Members: Rosie Pongracz, Logan Kilpatrick, Katrina Riehl**,** Sylvain Corlay, James Powell

Executive Director: Leah Silen

Not attending: Stefan van der Walt

Email/Github Voting: N/A

Executive Director's Report:

d. No Support Requests

Consent Agenda:

Open item up for vote was to approve the waiver of the fiscal sponsor fee for a project core contributor making a donation to their own project.

Motion to accept by James, seconded by Katrina, vote approved 5-0-0

Discussion Items:

a. Board Accountability (Continued from the last meeting)

i.  For Review: NF Board Accountability:

    - In order to assess our performance as a Board of Directors we will complete the following tasks:
        - Annual personal Self-assessment of accomplishments and contributions to be filled out by each board member.
        - Dedicate a Board Meeting every December to review each role and responsibility in the document listed above and give ourselves an overall grade as a board.  This grade will measure:
            - Scope
            - Effectiveness
            - Impact

ii. Vote to accept the Board Accountability form accepted 4-0-0

b. Update on Elections for Open Board Seat - Will continue at future meeting

c. Fundraising - Results from participation form

i.  Results show a nice breather of interest

ii. Discussion around how the board can best support fundraising
    > activities