15 December 2022

Minutes of a Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of NumFOCUS. All votes are reported in the form “(Y/N/A)” (in favor-Y‚ opposed-N‚ abstentions-A; e.g. “4-1-2” means “4 in favor, 1 opposed, and 2 abstentions”).

December 15

Attending: Logan Kilpatrick, James Powell, Katrina Riehl, Rosie Pongracz, Noa Tamir

Executive Director: Leah Silen

Not attending: Stéfan van der Walt, Larry Gray, Sylvain Corlay

Executive Director's Report: ​​Helpdesk Report Summary

Discussion Items:

a. Welcome Noa!

b. Sponsored Project Applications:

i.  Sponsored Project

    1.  GeoPandas [Champion - Larry] - 6 votes - passed

        a.  Vote approved via GitHub
            > 5-0-0

    2.  Python Satellite Data Analysis Toolkit (pysat) \[Champion -
        > Stéfan\]

        a.  Vote to offer grantor grantee if they have a funding
            > source 6-0-0

        b.  Vote to reject comprehensive fiscal sponsorship 6-0-0

        c.  If they decline grantor grantee, we will refer to the
            > affiliate project selection committee

    3.  R Epidemics Consortium \[Champion - Katrina\] -

        a.  Vote to reject the sponsored status via GitHub
            > 5-0-0

        b.  Leah will follow up with them to find out more
            > information

    4.  Open Science Labs \[Champion - Katrina\]

        a.  Vote to reject comprehensive fiscal sponsorship done via
            > GitHub:
            > 5-0-0

    5.  Sktime vote on hold pending CoC report.

c. Payment to Disqualified Persons (Don't Use This Code⇋Econ-ARK)

i.  Guidelines on Excess Benefit Transactions and Disqualified
    > Persons

ii. Payment to Disqualified Persons (Don\'t Use This
    > Code Econ-ARK)

iii. Econ-ARK Proposal

iv. Vote to approve this Payment (pending market rate), motioned by
    > James, seconded by Katrina, vote approved 4-0-0

d. EOY Campaign -

i.  Twitter Link:
    > [[https://twitter.com/NumFOCUS/status/1602333238499876866?s=20&t=zYEkvyV9rzmxHj3IBnFLYQ]{.ul}](https://twitter.com/NumFOCUS/status/1602333238499876866?s=20&t=zYEkvyV9rzmxHj3IBnFLYQ)

ii. LinkedIn Link:
    > [[https://www.linkedin.com/posts/numfocus_eoyfundraiser-opensourcescience-activity-7008098921193295872-D4i8?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop]{.ul}](https://www.linkedin.com/posts/numfocus_eoyfundraiser-opensourcescience-activity-7008098921193295872-D4i8?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop)

e. Meeting time for January

i.  Budget Discussion: Fri Jan 13

ii. First Board Meeting: week of Jan 22\~28

iii. Board Retreat: last week of Jan or first weeks of Feb

f. 2022 Budget - Summary of projected outcomes and approval schedule > for the 2023 proposed budget

i.  Jan 5 - Budget actuals will be sent to the board\
    > Jan 13? - Discussion on 2022 budget outcomes and 2023 budget
    > Jan 20 - 2023 Proposed Budget sent to the board\
    > Jan 26 - Approval of 2023 Budget