30 January 2023

Minutes of a Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of NumFOCUS. All votes are reported in the form “(Y/N/A)” (in favor-Y‚ opposed-N‚ abstentions-A; e.g. “4-1-2” means “4 in favor, 1 opposed, and 2 abstentions”).

January 30, 2023

Attending: Larry Gray, Logan Kilpatrick, James Powell, Katrina Riehl, Rosie Pongracz, Noa Tamir,

Executive Director: Leah Silen

Not attending: Stéfan van der Walt, Sylvain Corlay

Actual vs. Projected 2022 Budget: (Reviewed at last meeting)

Discussion Items:

a. sktime follow-up from Katrina

i.  Goal was to get people into a room for mediation, people have
    > been removed via the CoC committee which only has 1 person on
    > it.

ii. Possibility of creating a project advisory or conflict
    > resolution committee to help manage these types of situations
    > in the future

iii. Board votes to drop Sktime as an affiliate project on
     > recommendation of Katrina Riehl & Leah Silen, due to a
     > pattern of unkind behavior. Vote motioned by James, seconded
     > by Logan, vote approved 6-0-0

iv. Vote to reject the Sktime fiscal sponsorship application, vote
    > approve the motion to reject passed 6-0-0

v.  Next steps: Katrina will put together a letter for Sktime
    > leadership that lets them know Sktime is no longer an
    > affiliated project.

vi. NumFOCUS will put together a small blog post announcing this
    > change with details on why we did this.

vii. We will also update the website:

     1.  Guidance for forking NumFOCUS projects

     2.  Awareness of ongoing review of NumFOCUS project status

b. Theano - Updating status on the website

i.  Board votes to remove https://github.com/Theano/Theano
    > from the affiliate project list given the project is no longer
    > maintained and moved to PyMC. Vote to remove affiliate status
    > approve 6-0-0

c. 2023 Budget - preliminary discussion points

i.  2023 budget for board approval on Feb 13

d. Board retreat?