02 August 2023

Minutes of a Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of NumFOCUS. All votes are reported in the form “(Y/N/A)” (in favor-Y, opposed-N, abstentions-A; e.g. “4-1-2” means “4 in favor, 1 opposed, and 2 abstentions”).

August 2, 2023

Attending: Sylvain Corlay, Larry Gray, Logan Kilpatrick, Rosie Pongracz, James Powell, Katrina Riehl, Noa Tamir, Stéfan van der Walt

Executive Director: Leah Silen

Not attending:

Discussion Items:

  1. 2023 Project Summit | 11-13 September

    a. Venue - Novotel Amsterdam Schiphol Airport

    b. Reimbursement requests should be submitted via Open Collective

    c. If your employer or company covers your travel expenses. We can list them as a travel sponsor.

    d. Do we want to have a board meeting on the 13th?

    i.  Stefan will be attending virtually but the rest of the board
        will be present
  2. New Member Project Applications

    a. Champions needed

    i.  chDB - Logan
    ii. Pangeo - James
    iii. PyDMD - Stéfan
    iv. PyPOTS - Katrina
    v.  Dynare - Noa
    vi. Biocypher - Katrina

    b. Board members will choose a project to review offline

    c. Deadline to submit review is the next board meeting

  3. Follow up on APSC and criteria for Affiliated projects

    a. Clarification needed around the number of contributors required

    b. Board voted to allow 2 person maintained projects with the incubator tag but are still allowed to be affiliated

    c. GraphBLAS

  4. Infrastructure Committee

    a. Marc Garcia stepping down as Chair

    b. AWS has donated 10K in credits

    c. We will re-share the job description to get clarity on what the items that need to be done are

    d. Job description - NumFOCUS DevOps Engineer - Independent Contractor Job

    e. NF will do an audit of what we are paying for and let the projects know

    f. NF should likely not be running the server and other resources given the projects have the technical expertise not NF.

  5. Discussion on the Gradual community platform

    a. Logan will share demo

  6. Advisory Council Meeting

    a. Today 1-2 PM CST today

  7. CoC report update

    a. Resolved and all parties notified

  8. Finance Directors report

    a. Along with org chart

  9. Existing project reviews done by next board meeting: Project Review Draft

  10. Bylaws committee update

    a. No update yet on the meeting of the bylaws committee