16 August 2023

Minutes of a Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of NumFOCUS. All votes are reported in the form “(Y/N/A)” (in favor-Y, opposed-N, abstentions-A; e.g. “4-1-2” means “4 in favor, 1 opposed, and 2 abstentions”).

August 16, 2023

Attending: Larry Gray, Logan Kilpatrick, Rosie Pongracz, James Powell, Katrina Riehl, Noa Tamir, Stéfan van der Walt

Executive Director: Leah Silen

Not attending: Sylvain Corlay

Executive Directors Report:

  1. Finance Org Chart 08/2023

  2. 2023 Q2 Budgeted v. Actual Report

    a. Main topic of discussion was conference venue costs

  3. JupyterCon

    a. Leah and Mir have final numbers

    b. $200k loss on JupyterCon

    c. NumFOCUS cannot absorb this cost

    d. Future events will be run by NumFOCUS through events team

Discussion Items:

  1. New Project Champion Reports

    a. chDB - Logan

    b. Pangeo - James

    c. PyDMD - Stéfan

    d. PyPOTS - Katrina

    e. Dynare - Noa

    f. Biocypher - Katrina

    g. Vote to approve Dynare: 7-0-0

    h. Vote to approve Pangeo: 7-0-0

    i. Will vote on others async via GitHub

  2. sktime's Application for Affiliation

    a. Have ongoing CoC issues been resolved?

    b. Given the previous Sktime issues, the path forward is to create an independent CoC committee without any project technical leaders

  3. Adding an Emeritus level to the Advisory Council for members rolling off after 10 years of participation and leadership.

    a. What does this entail? Do we just give them this title and that is all?

  4. New CoC

    a. NumFOCUS Code of Conduct - derived from PSF CoC

    b. A survey will be sent to projects next week asking who would like to adopt the new CoC and transition to using the external working group for enforcement. We'd also like to gain a better understanding of the frequency of project internal incident reports and challenges around CoC issues.

  5. Logan nominates Soumith Chintala to NF Advisory Council

    a. Made a personal $10k+ contribution to NF

    b. Direct connection at Meta for future sponsorship

    c. Good perspective on NF and ecosystem given his role creating and leading PyTorch (now part of LX)

    d. Board members will meet with Soumith and make a decision on next steps

  6. Logan wants to have further discussions with both Quincy Larson (creator of freecodecamp.org) and Ben Halpern (Dev.to and Forem), both have a ton of experience scaling large developer communities

  7. Gradual demo

    a. Invites have been sent to board members