26 April 2024
Minutes of a Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of NumFOCUS. All votes are reported in the form “(Y/N/A)” (in favor-Y, opposed-N, abstentions-A; e.g. “4-1-2” means “4 in favor, 1 opposed, and 2 abstentions”).
April 26th, 2024
Attending: Rosie Pongracz, Logan Kilpatrick, James Powell
Executive Director: Leah Silen
Observers: Katrina Riehl, Andy Terrel
Not attending: Sylvain Corlay, Larry Gray
Discussion Items
a. Draft Blog Post Regarding Project Jupyter Joining LF
b. Blog post series from the board
i. **Who is the board, what does it do, why are we here? Why has
the board historically been behind the scenes?**
1. Meeting minutes response
2. Bylaws amendment
3. What is a volunteer\'s role & responsibility within NF?
4. **First post will go live on Wed May 1st, 2024.**
ii. **Elections? What is the new board & management structure?**
1. Elections, why this matters, how can you contribute?
2. Term limits response; clarify timeline of bylaws; clarify
timeline of board members entering/leaving.
3. **Go live on Wed May 15th, 2024.**
iii. **What do you get as a NumFOCUS project? What does your admin
fee cover? (What do we provide that is not covered by admin
fee?) What is the state of financial systems?**
1. EU formation response.
2. Why are we hiring someone to raise money directly for the
3. Quarterly town halls
4. **Go live on Wed May 22, 2024.**
iv. **What is the future of 501(c)(3) and 501(c)(6)? What is the
deal with AI?**
1. (We need this ASAP)
2. Incl. Jupyter response
3. **Go live on Wed May 29, 2024.**
v. **How do finances work at NumFOCUS? And why is it hard?**
1. Mir and co do a deep dive and give PII scrubbed examples
2. **Go live on Wed Jun 5, 2024.**
c. Motion to amend bylaws and add 6 year limit on Slack
a. NumFOCUS Dual-Governance Model