May 21, 2024#
Katrina Riehl, Andy Terrel, Seth Mridul, Nabil Freij
Nicole Foster, Arliss Collins, Claudia Alvarado, Jim Weiss
Irfan Alibay, Matt Moore
Marty sets up pretalx for events, proposal on the table to have it hosted by
Reasons to do it: - Get our changes to the open source project - Less cost on our staff to manage - We get changes as soon as they come out
Notes from Marty on changes if we make to the stock pretalx:
The biggest change has been the edits to Pretalx’s schedule widget (the embedded JavaScript that we insert into the conference site’s schedule page to display the schedule). I’ve added more advanced filtering so that the widget can show only specific submission types (e.g. only showing talks or tutorials) or specific conference days. I fixed a bug where organizers were unable to change submission tracks. I meant to push this upstream (and even created a pull request) but missed a question about additional testing that prevented it from being merged. We added the ability to import reviewer assignments by CSV file (Pretalx only allowed this by JSON files). We modified the proposal pages for SciPy conferences so that they would include reviewer feedback. A custom navigation menu was added to Pretalx pages to better link the Pretalx server with conference sites.
List price from
Pay by expected number of attendees and talks:
Large events: 1400 EUR / event
Small events: 900 EUR / event
Hosting 16 events: 16,900 EUR
5 large events: 7000 EUR
11 small events: 9900 EUR
Current: ~$18,400
Server cost is around ~$50 a month per event
12 month + 4 concurrent events: $2,400
Contract costs: $16,000
Github Issues#
AWS Credits for projects AWS OSSM Credits Application Form.xlsx Decision: focus on projects we have and not go back to projects again. Need to have a meeting with Oliver, Ralf, Christopher Delp
Scream test: numfocus/infrastructure#12 No complaints. Andy will backup the servers and then delete them.
Action items#
Nicole with Jim to get a proposal from
Setup a call with Oliver, Ralf, Christopher Delp and Nabil, Andy, Arliss
Try to get previous project request information for AWS credits
Backup servers with DNS turned off and then delete them