Aug 21, 2024#
Andy Terrel, Seth Mridul, Nabil Freij
Nicole Foster, Arliss Collins, Claudia Alvarado
Katrina Riehl, Irfan Alibay, Matt Moore
Pretalx Proposal Decision#
It seems to be a cheaper option than currently
Nicole and Jim need to get proper quote and moving forward
Jim is concerned about getting quick support
Can this be part of the contract?
Need to decide if Marty’s work on Pretalx would fall under the DevOp role
Decision: wait to pursue after we hire devop role
DevOps Role#
Currently 2k+ applications have around ~13 in a shortlist
Infrastructure committee wants to be involved in the technical interview
Need to come up with some fixed questions to ask them
Want to ensure that the interview is the same across all candidates
NF Summit#
There will be one unconference session on the infrastructure committee
Want to bring up CI/CD guide
See if people know about the new process for requests from the committee
Do committees need common infrastructure that we can set up?
Possible to unify how we do voting, notes and requests?
Want to improve transparency?
CI/CD Guide#
Skeleton setup on the repo. Now we can add the information needed
Action Items#
Create a Google Forms survey which details: Nabil Freij
What CI services are using currently and what architectures do you use on them?
Do they need paid services? If so, what ones and how much (rough estimate)?
What architectures do you want to run on?
~~Claudia - Create Calendly for Nabil, Andy, and Mridul for interviews (I’ll create a group chat amongst us all to coordinate)~~
~~First interview- technical interview, add in fixed 85k rate in email send to Andy nvidia’s email for faster response~~
~~Create spreadsheet tracking candidates stages (contacted, interested, etc)~~
~~Andy, Mridul and Nabil: Create a checklist of questions to ensure a fair interview process via a shared Google Doc~~
Nabil Freij: Upload these notes to the website